Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Science TAKS Objectives for Grades 10 and 11
Objective 1The student will demonstrate an understanding of the nature of science.
Bio (1) and IPC (1) The student, for at least 40% of instructional time, conducts field and
laboratory investigations using safe, environmentally appropriate, and ethical practices. The student
is expected to:

TEKS Student Expectations
􀀹 􀀹 1A demonstrate safe practices during field and laboratory investigations
Bio (2) and IPC (2) The student uses scientific methods during field and laboratory investigations.

TEKS Student Expectations
􀀹 􀀹 2A plan and implement investigative procedures including asking
questions, formulating testable hypotheses, and selecting equipment
and technology
􀀹 􀀹 2B collect data and make measurements with precision
􀀹 􀀹 2C organize, analyze, evaluate, make inferences, and predict trends from
􀀹 􀀹 2D communicate valid conclusions

IPC (3) The student uses critical thinking and scientific problem solving to make informed
decisions. The student is expected to:

TEKS Student Expectations
􀀹 􀀹 3A analyze, review, [and critique] scientific explanations, including
hypotheses and theories, as to their strengths and weaknesses using
scientific evidence and information
􀀹 􀀹 3B draw inferences based on data related to [promotional materials for]
products and services

Objective 2The student will demonstrate an understanding of the organization of living systems.
Biology (4) The student knows that cells are the basic structures of all living things and have
specialized parts that perform specific functions, and that viruses are different from cells and have
different properties and functions. The student is expected to:

TEKS Student Expectations
􀀹 􀀹 4B investigate and identify cellular processes including homeostasis,
permeability, energy production, transportation of molecules, disposal
of wastes, function of cellular parts, and synthesis of new molecules
Biology (6) The student know the structures and functions of nucleic acids in the mechanisms of
genetics. The student is expected to:

TEKS Student Expectations
􀀹 􀀹 6A describe components of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), and illustrate
how information for specifying the traits of an organism is carried in
the DNA
􀀹 6B explain replication, transcription, and translation using models of DNA
and ribonucleic acid (RNA)
􀀹 􀀹 6C identify and illustrate how changes in DNA cause mutations and
evaluate the significance of these changes
􀀹 6D compare genetic variations observed in plants and animals
Biology (8) The student knows applications of taxonomy and can identify its limitations. The
student is expected to:

TEKS Student Expectations
􀀹 􀀹 8C identify characteristics of kingdoms including monerans, protests,
fungi, plants and animals (TAKS will use the most current
classification system)
Biology (10) The student knows that, at all levels of nature, living systems are found within other
living systems, each with its own boundary and limits. The student is expected to:

TEKS Student Expectations
􀀹 􀀹 10A interpret the functions of system in organisms including circulatory,
digestive, nervous, endocrine, reproductive, integumentary, skeletal,
respiratory, muscular, excretory, and immune
􀀹 10B compare the interrelationships of organ systems to each other and to
the body as a whole

Objective 3The student will demonstrate an understanding of the interdependence of organisms and
the environment.
Biology (4) The student knows that cells are the basic structures of all living things and have
specialized parts that perform specific functions, and that viruses are different from cells and have
different properties and functions. The student is expected to:

TEKS Student Expectations
􀀹 􀀹 4C compare the structure and functions of viruses to cells and describe
the role of viruses in causing diseases and conditions such as acquired
immune deficiency syndrome, common colds, smallpox, influenza, and
􀀹 􀀹 4D identify and describe the role of bacteria in maintaining health such as
in digestion and in causing diseases such as in streptococcus
infections and diphtheria
Biology (7) The student knows the theory of biological evolution. The student is expected to:

TEKS Student Expectations
􀀹 7A identify evidence in change in species using fossils, DNA sequences,
anatomical similarities, physiological similarities, and embryology
􀀹 􀀹 7B illustrate the results of natural selection in speciation, diversity,
phylogeny, adaptation, behavior, and extinction
Biology (9) The student knows metabolic processes and energy transfers that occur in living
organisms. The student is expected to:

TEKS Student Expectations
􀀹 9D analyze the flow of matter and energy through different trophic levels
and between organisms and the physical environment
Biology (12) The student knows that interdependence and interactions occur within an ecosystem.
The student is expected to:

TEKS Student Expectations
􀀹 􀀹 12B interpret interactions among organisms exhibiting predation,
parasitism, commensalisms, and mutualism
􀀹 􀀹 12E investigate and explain the interactions in an ecosystem including food
chains, food webs, and food pyramids
Biology (13) The student knows the significance of plants in the environment. The student is
expected to:

TEKS Student Expectations
􀀹 􀀹 13A evaluate the significance of structural and physiological adaptions of
plants to their environment

Objective 4The student will demonstrate an understanding of the structures and properties of
IPC (7) The student knows relationships exist between properties of matter and its components.
The student is expected to:

TEKS Student Expectations
􀀹 􀀹 7A investigate and identify properties of fluids including density, viscosity,
and buoyancy
􀀹 7D relate the chemical behavior of an element including bonding, to its
placement on the periodic table
􀀹 7E classify samples of matter from everyday life as being elements,
compounds, or mixtures
IPC (8) The student knows that changes in matter affect everyday life. The student is expected to:

TEKS Student Expectations
􀀹 􀀹 8A distinguish between physical and chemical changes in matter such as
oxidation, digestion, changes in states, and stages in the rock cycle
􀀹 􀀹 8C investigate and identify the law of conservation of mass
IPC (9) The student knows how solution chemistry is a part of everyday life. The student is
expected to:

TEKS Student Expectations
􀀹 􀀹 9A relate the structure of water to is function [as the universal solvent]
􀀹 9B relate the concentration of ions in a solution to physical and chemical
properties such as pH, electrolytic behavior, and reactivity
􀀹 􀀹 9D demonstrate how various factors influence solubility including
temperature, pressure, and nature of the solute and solvent
Science TAKS Objectives for Grades 10 and 11
Objective 5
The student will demonstrate an understanding of motion, forces, and energy.
IPC (4) The student knows the concepts of force and motion evidence in everyday life. The
student is expected to:

TEKS Student Expectations
􀀹 􀀹 4A calculate speed, momentum, acceleration, work, and power in
systems such as in the human body, moving toys, and machines
􀀹 􀀹 4B investigate and describe applications of Newton’s laws such as in
vehicle restraints, sports activities, geological processes, and satellite
􀀹 4D investigate and demonstrate [mechanical advantage and] efficiency of
various machines such as levers, motors, wheels and axles, pulleys,
and ramps
IPC (5) The student knows the effects of waves on everyday life. The student is expected to:

TEKS Student Expectations
􀀹 5A demonstrate wave types and their characteristics through a variety of
activities such as modeling with ropes and coils, activating tuning
forks, and interpreting data on seismic waves
􀀹 5B demonstrate wave interactions including interference, polarization,
reflection, refraction, and resonance within various materials
IPC (6) The student knows the impact of energy transformations in everyday life. The student is
expected to:

TEKS Student Expectations
􀀹 􀀹 6A describe the law of conservation of energy
􀀹 􀀹 6B investigate and demonstrate the movement of heat through solids,
liquids, and gases by convection, conduction, and radiation
􀀹 6D investigate and compare economic and environmental impacts of
using various energy sources such as rechargeable or disposable
batteries and solar cells
􀀹 6F investigate and compare series and parallel circuits

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